3D Printing Funding in 2019 Projected To Have a Record Year

How is the funding environment shaping up for 3D printing in 2019? As we pass the mid-year mark, let’s see how the year-to-date metrics compare to the historical trends. The graph below shows 3D printing total funding by year, stacked by quarters.

3D Printing Funding Over Time
3D Printing Funding Over Time

As the graphic demonstrates, 3D printing has amassed $770M through Q1 and Q2 of this year. This amount represents 218% of the total funding in 2018, and 278% of the funding through Q2 in 2018. The top three funding events in Q2 2019 include a $260M round into Carbon, a $10M round into Arris Composites, and a $4M round into Impossible Objects.

A straight-line projection of the completed funding this year would result in $1.5B, which is a whopping 436% of the total 2018 funding. By the same token, a weighted quarterly average projection of 2019 funding would result in $981M, which exceeds the total 2018 funding by 178%. Therefore, based on the mid-year data, 3D printing funding in 2019 is projected to surpass all previous annual funding totals.

To learn more about our complete 3D printing dynamic report, visit us at www.venturescanner.com or contact us at info@venturescanner.com.

3D Printing Exit Activity in 2019 Projected To Decrease From 2018

How has the exit activity for 3D printing developed in the first half of 2019? This blog post explores 3D printing exit metrics through Q2 2019 and compares them to previous years. The graph below shows the number of 3D printing exits by year, stacked by quarters.

3D Printing Exits Over Time
3D Printing Exits Over Time

As the graphic demonstrates, 3D printing has seen 1 exit event through Q2 of this year. This represents 33% of the total exits in 2018, and 50% of the exits through Q2 in 2018. The sole exit event in 2019 is Structured Polymers’ acquisition by Evonik Industries.

A straight-line projection of the completed exit activity this year would come out to 2 exit events, which falls short of the total exits in 2018 by 33%. By the same token, a weighted quarterly average projection of 2019 exit activity would also come out to 2 exit events. Therefore, based on the mid-year data, 3D printing exit activity in 2019 is projected to be down from the exit activity in 2018.

To learn more about our complete 3D printing dynamic report, visit us at www.venturescanner.com or contact us at info@venturescanner.com.

3D Printing Report Highlights – Q2 2019

Here is our Q2 2019 summary report on the 3D printing startup sector. The following report includes a sector overview and recent activity.

To learn more about our complete 3D printing dynamic report, visit us at www.venturescanner.com or contact us at info@venturescanner.com.

3D Printing Report Highlights  – Q4 2018

Here is our Q4 2018 summary report on the 3D printing startup sector. The following report includes a sector overview and recent activity.

To learn more about our complete 3D printing dynamic report, visit us at www.venturescanner.com or contact us at info@venturescanner.com.